A.B.A.T.E Of Utah has been involved in Share the Road Program since approximately 1995. The starting members found the idea from an A.B.A.T.E. chapter in another State. This page is dedicated to Dixie Lee Laun who got me involved in the program and kept the program alive until approximately 2005. Dixie passed away in 2008.
Eric Stine
Education Coordinator
ABATE of Utah
This program is sponsored by A.B.A.T.E. of Utah, and the Utah Highway Safety office. We are riders who believe that safety is best improved by education for both riders and the motoring public. We believe that sharing America’s roadways safely requires understanding and cooperation.
To encourage greater awareness on the part of the motoring public that motorcyclists are out there and in greater numbers.
To acquaint you with motorcyclists, who they are and why they do what they do.
To emphasize the need and importance for all of us to "Share the Road".
What is Share the Road?
Primarily our Instructors go into High Schools and teach Drivers Education Students how to Share the Road with Motorcycles. We show a tape called "A Common Road" put out by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. We then have a class discussion followed by a short quiz and a survey. The class runs approximately 45 minutes.
Contact Information
If you are interested in scheduling a class or becoming an instructor contact:
Eric Stine • Education Coordinator ABATE of Utah
1-801-391-4029 • 2002roadglide@comcast.net
Current Schools & Instructors
Greg Douglas
Annette Ault
Scott Neil
John & Heidi Lamb - Box Elder High/Logan High
​​​​​Rick & Connie Dooley - Layton High • Davis High
Ron Irvin - Moab High/Grand County
Bart Burress & Ted Hilburn - Northridge High, Ben Lomond, Davis High
Eric Stine & Bart Buress - Ogden High
​Eric Stine & Danny Simonson & Josh Hurst & Anthony Padilla - OWATC
Past Instructors
Mike O'Brien
Mikel Roy Martinez (Deceased)
Mike Maquet
Steve Thompson
Cliff Betten
Len Robinson
Shelly Robinson
David Timm
Mark Wise
Annie Wise
ABATE of Utah - 2012-2013 Annual Share the Road Report
This school year we had tragedy strike when we lost one of our Instructors. Mikel Ray Martinez passed away this year after numerous years as a Share the Road Instructor. We will miss his help as will the kids. Due to the elimination of the 2010 funds there have been no Motorcycle Awareness Campaigns as there have been in the past. The funding is still up in the air and we are hoping the MRF can help us get to the bottom of the funding issues or at least work to get the 2010 funds restored. Helen Knipe is the new Motorcycle Program Manager at the UHSO and as in the past they are continuing to support and look forward to working with her. One of the things Helen has been working on over the last year is a Motorcycle Road Map with the degree of difficulty so that riders' know what they are in for before they hit the road. This map should be ready for distribution soon. Thanks Helen for your help. This year we educated 4,584 students along the Wasatch Front. Although these numbers are down from last year will still have one of the most successful STR programs in the Country and are still educating more students than most of the other States. Our goal for the next year is to try and get our student numbers back up. We also have several people that want to teach and we will be getting them geared up to be Certified Instructors.
2010 Ron Shepard Safety Recognition Award
This award is presented to State Motorcycle Rights Organizations that have demonstrated to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation
their commitment to motorcycle awareness and education. This is an honor from our peers at a national level.
2008 Volunteer of the Year Award
ABATE of Utah was honored by the Utah Department of Transportation and the Department of Public Safety in 2008
for our efforts. ABATE was awarded Volunteer of the Year at the 2008 Zero Fatalities Safety Summit.
Letter From the Director of the Utah Highway Safety Office:
Eric: 10/13/2010
It's been a while since we've bumped into each other, but I know why because obviously you and your colleagues have been busy with presentations and teaching. Derek shared your numbers with me and to see an all volunteer organization step up and interact with over 7,500 high school students while teaching motorcycle safety is a very impressive feat indeed!!! Our compliments to you and your colleagues.
What you and ABATE accomplish because of your personal commitment to improving motorcycle safety is something that would be very difficult for us , as a state agency, to replicate without financial and personnel resources we simply don't have. It's easy to understand why some of your instructors get burned out or just can't afford the time and financial hardships they struggle with when volunteering, but please let them know how much we truly appreciate the time and effort they put forth in volunteer public service.
Hopefully, you will be able to continue to build on past success and be successful in recruiting new instructors to meet the growing needs. We will certainly try to continue to support you and ABATE as we work to together to promote a safer environment for motorcyclists and the motoring public.
Thanks again and best wishes,
Dave Beech
Highway Safety Office
Utah Department of Public Safety
For any ABATE Member you will receive a $5.00 discount on the Basic Rider Course

Training Downloads
The purpose of this page is to allow ABATE "Share the Road" Instuctors or other organizations to download the most current "Share the Road" briefings and videos. The Briefing will require Microsoft Power Point to view and use. The videos will require a DVD player or Video software on the computer playing the video.
Since these files are so large, allow plenty of time to download them, so you will have to be patient. You may be able to run/view these briefings and videos from this site, but the best option is to download the Power Point Briefing and the two videos onto a Desktop so they can run at normal speeds. Running the videos directly from the Web page using the internet will cause delays and dead time in a presentation.
For Instructors using the Power Point briefing, the briefing is designed to ask the same questions used in the "Share the Road" training guide. You now will have the questions on the screen to keep the students focused instead of having to read the question from your notes and guide. You will still have to get class participation to answer the questions and cover the details in the briefing. Please use this as a tool to help you cover all the topics and still get the students to participate.
If you have any questions on downloads or suggested changes to the briefings, please contact the web master or MAQ Maquet at MAQ@M2MCPI.COM
To Download the files below, right click and select "Save Target as..." Then save the files to a folder you want to use to collect all the parts of the ABATE Share the Road Power Point Briefing. You will need all four files to run the training: The Power Point Briefing, the English crash video, and the Common Road Video, and the Very Graphic Video. The total will be about 402 MB.